2014 Grant Writing Workshop

Join us for an informative session covering general grant writing tips and specific information on our Seeds for Excellence grant program. Learn from the best! We’ll have a professional grant writer from Purdue’s Office of the Executive Vie President for Research and Partnerships who will be presenting best practices for writing a compelling proposal. We’ll also have past Seeds for Excellence recipients and members of our selection committee on hand. Ask questions about our guidelines and find out how a rubric is used to evaluate each proposal. Network with other teachers and get feedback on your project ideas.

The workshop is FREE! For planning purposes we ask that you register in advance by sending an email to [email protected] by noon Thursday, August 14st.

Again this year we will provide documentation that can be submitted for Professional Growth Plan credit with your school corporation.

Date:  Saturday, August 16

Time:  10 -1

Place:  1100 Elizabeth Street (Washington Education Center)

RSVP:  email to [email protected] or call 429-4089

This workshop is FREE and lunch will be provided.