Drumming Ensemble May 2021

In my music room, students have spent a great deal of time developing a solid foundation of music theory, but also applying what they have learned by playing instruments. In short, they are ready to tackle a new challenge, which I believe would be appropriately presented through a drumming ensemble. Drumming ensembles not only are a therapeutic way of relieving stress, but also develop a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration. One of the schools I serve is a Title 1 school where 52% qualify for free or reduced lunch. These students specifically would benefit from the collaborative nature of the project and give them the opportunity to play instruments in an ensemble setting, which is an option they might not have due to financial reasons in the future. With the grant, I will purchase a set of world music drums and the Peanut Butter Jam book which contains world drumming music.

Teacher: Maria Nicolia / School: Battle Ground Intermediate & Mayflower Mill Elementary / Grades: 4 & 5 / Award: $1,998.00

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