Mallet Madness November 2018

Playing an instrument is one of the most beneficial facets of music education, exposing students to a myriad of elements. The xylophone allows students to develop musical concepts in areas of rhythm, melody, harmony, improvisation and expression. More xylophones in the classroom will give students in grades 2 through 4 the opportunity to read, perform and improvise. This grant provides funding for one alto and two soprano xylophones as well as rolling stands and mallets.

Using the book Mallet Madness by Artie Almeida, students will master several Indiana Music Standard and discover the connection between literature and music. The project will culminate near the end of the school year when students will create their own compositions based on the book Possum Come-a-Knockin’ by Nancy Van Laan.

Teacher: Kirsi Seagraves / School: Vinton Elementary / Grades: 2, 3 and 4 / Award: 1995.33
