The IN Education License Plate Has a New Design
Purchasing a “Hoosier Family of Readers” license plate puts money back into your local school district. Nearly $19 of the specialty plate’s administration fee is sent to your selected school’s education foundation. In turn, the foundation uses those funds for teacher grants and innovative programs that enhance learning for all students in the district. When you purchase an Education specialty plate and designate your school district, funds are directed to the district’s education foundation by the county auditor.
Receive an Education Specialty Plate by visiting the BMV website at Create or log into your account and pull up your registration. Click “Change My Plate”. In the Category field, choose “Special Organizations”. In the Specific Plate field, choose “Education”. Select your county of residence and the school district to receive proceeds from your purchase.
Since the plate’s introduction in 1997 (remember the Garfield Read On version?) public schools throughout Indiana have received more than $5.8 million to support classroom activities and learning.
Get a plate. Support a classroom. Show your pride while you drive!